Bill’s Commentary:

”Though not complete, this may be the best information we will ever get as to what happened to Ft. Knox gold.”

The Golden Cover-Up Begins

How was the Fort Knox gold drain first discovered? Although the London Gold Pool and gold sales were by no means a secret, the full implication of the gold drain from America was understood by very few people until it hit one of the early tabloids in 1974. What followed was a typical scenario of government stonewalling, half-truths and lies that eventually backed the bureaucrats into a corner, but not without some dedicated work by one determined individual, Ed Durell.

Informant Dies Mysteriously

New York — On July 3, 1974, 59-year-old Louise Auchincloss Boyer died after falling from the window of her 10th-floor apartment at 530 East 86th Street. The event was ruled a probable suicide and duly reported the next day in the New York Times. Note that Mrs. Boyer was the granddaughter of none other than Col. House, the man who guided the Federal Reserve Act through Congress for Morgan, Rockefeller, Warburg and company. Although to date it has not been determined whether there was a relationship, Jackie Kennedy’s father was Hugh Auchincloss. It is known that Jackie’s grandfather helped John D. Rockefeller found Standard Oil.

Mrs. Boyer’s death torched a firestorm of controversy and rocked a previously inviolable element of Americana — the security of the nation’s gold reserves held at Fort Knox. Perhaps not coincidentally, only three days earlier, Mrs. Boyer, had been featured as an unnamed source in a spectacular story in the tabloid, National Tattler. Readers were shocked by the sensational headline: 

“International Monetary Expert Sounds Alarm:

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Bill’s Commentary:

”Such a deal, who gets dibs on the penthouse?”

Bill’s Commentary:

”How much gold is China really buying and how much have they already bought?”

The mysterious gold buyer in China

As the price of gold reached an all-time high in May, many people believed that China was the dominant force behind the rally. A widely quoted fact is that the People’s Bank of China (PBOC) increased its gold reserves for 18 straight months. Chinese gold reserves have gone up by 10.16mn ounces (or 316 tonnes) from October 2022 to April 2024, reaching 72.8mn ounces (or 2,258 tonnes). In 2023, the PBOC bought 231 tonnes. 

Gold not that significant in China’s reserves

However, neither the size nor the growth of the PBOC’s official gold reserves is particularly large. To put it into perspective, despite having the world’s largest forex reserves, China’s gold reserves are only the fifth largest, slightly behind Russia’s. Gold still only makes up slightly less than 5% of the PBOC’s total official reserves. The US tops the list with over 8,000 tonnes of gold reserves. Germany and Italy have the second and third largest reserves.

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One thought on “

  1. Fascinating information Bill

    However, it says that Jackie Kennedy’s father was Hugh Auchincloss, but wasn’t he Jackie Kennedy’s step-father?

    Not that it is a big deal as it relates to the rest of the info but it might cause people to poke holes at the rest of the info.

    Fascinating story that only reminds us of how little we really know about so very many events in history.

    Keep it coming!



    Friends of Freedom Ike WAS Right !

    First they came for the communists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a communist.

    Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a trade unionist.

    Then they came for the Jews, and I didn’t speak out because I wasn’t a Jew.

    Then they came for me and there was no one left to speak out for me.

    Martin Niemoller ________________________________


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