Bill’s commentary:

“You don’t agree with the official narrative? You are considered ‘misinformation’!”

Bill’s commentary:

“This is shocking I say! I also remember many condescending people back then telling us ‘just do the right thing’ … I guess we did?”

People who receive two doses of a COVID-19 vaccine may be more likely to develop long-COVID, a new study finds.

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Bill’s commentary:

“The window of democracy has just slammed shut…at least in Chicago. How long before people have no right to choose anything.” – Wolfgang

“Yes Wolfgang, from a Republic, to a Democracy, to ‘YOU WILL DO WHAT WE SAY’! So much for truth, justice, and the American way?” – Bill

When my family and I were driving back from Chicago, a vote of the city council was revealed that perfectly captured the hypocrisy and politics surrounding undocumented migrants in major cities.  The council voted down an effort to allow voters to decide on whether Chicago should remain a sanctuary city. The measure was defeated 16-31.

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Bill’s commentary:

“What part of this is not true?”

Bill’s commentary:

“This might be the biggest understatement of the year!”

If the United States shifts frozen Russian assets to Ukraine, it would be cataclysmic for the US Dollar’s status as the global reserve currency, says Nobel Prize winning Yale professor, Robert Shiller.

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Bill’s commentary:

“Are you surprised? This is what they call ‘the never pay model’!”

 Ukraine and a group of its Western creditors signed an agreement on Thursday to extend through March 2027 a debt payment suspension first agreed in September 2022, the Ukrainian finance ministry said.

“I am grateful to our partners from the G7 countries for understanding Ukraine’s needs in the time of war,” Ukraine’s Minister of Finance Sergii Marchenko said in a statement.

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Bill’s commentary:

“Funny? Not funny? Would have been considered science fiction while I was growing up …”

Bill’s commentary:

“Some pretty significant names here if you think about it?”

At the bloc’s 2023 annual summit, the BRICS alliance announced a landmark six-country expansion effort. Subsequently, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), Iran, Argentina, Egypt, and Ethiopia received invitations. Now, India’s Minister of External Affairs recently confirmed that BRICS is set for another six-country expansion plan in 2024.

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Bill’s commentary:

“The banking system was never fixed, merely papered over until the next, manyfold larger, crisis …”

Jerome Powell became the Chairman of the Federal Reserve on February 5, 2018 after being nominated by then President Donald Trump and passing his Senate confirmation. Powell was sworn in again on May 23, 2022 for a second term as Chair. His second term runs until May 15, 2026. 

Unlike most Fed Chairs, Powell has no economics degree. He has a law degree from Georgetown University. For more background on Powell, see our May 18, 2020 article: The Fed’s Chair and Vice Chair Got Rich at Carlyle Group, a Private Equity Fund with a String of Bankruptcies and Job Losses.

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Bill’s commentary:

“Malfeasance? How about a “plan” to alter the logistics and outcome of an election? Or, just plain depopulating an overpopulated world of ‘eaters’ that pass too much gas?”

Dr. Steven Hatfill believes the COVID task force misled Trump on the “proper pandemic response to COVID-19.” While he believes Operation Warp Speed was necessary, it was not meant to ignore proper monitoring of the experimental mRNA vaccines. In a recent interview with Steve Bannon, he laments, “At any sign of adverse effects of any significant number, the vaccine should have been halted. They were so experimental. This was experimental gene therapy.”

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Bill’s commentary:

“Thanks for this find, Dave. This is scary as hell!”

The global pandemic preparedness accord (‘pandemic treaty’) currently being put in place by the World Health Organization (WHO) will pave the way for “a fascist approach to societal management.” The beneficiaries will be unscrupulous corporations and investors whom the COVID‐19 response served well. This will result in the loss of human rights and individual freedom.

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Bill’s commentary:

“Some interesting and informative Erik today. If I might suggest to Erik, his ‘friend’ is a completely ignorant idiot, and you just can’t fix stupid …”

Bill’s commentary:

“They never squared the losses, they just papered them over.” –  Dave

“Dave, just to be clear, these derivatives are what ‘price’ all markets and assets. True clearing prices will only be seen once the derivatives’ monster collapses.” – Bill

At recent Congressional hearings on federal bank regulators’ newly proposed rules to force the largest banks in the U.S. to hold more capital against their riskiest trading positions (so that taxpayers aren’t on the hook for more bailouts), the banks and their sycophants holding Senate and House seats made it sound like it’s the American farmers who will be hurt because the derivatives they use to hedge against crop failures or price swings in their crops will become more expensive..

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Bill’s commentary:

“Is this a shock to anyone?”

Rich countries are raising more money from taxpayers than they have in decades to finance a burst of state spending as surging interest rates make borrowing less attractive. 

Tax revenues have risen to record levels as a share of economic output in a number of major economies, including France, Japan and South Korea, according to data published by the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, the club of mainly rich countries.

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