Bill’s commentary:

“For those of you who have read the post “The Great Taking”, here is your ultimate solution. This website I believe is a very insightful read on “the end days”. It is a logical (I believe correct) and well thought out view of finance, society, and the ultimate coming total collapse from a Christian and thus Biblical standpoint. You WILL need a savior, there is only one Savior, Jesus Christ!”

The purpose of this website is to provide a brief summary of end time Bible prophecy. You may be curious about the topic or searching for a context to make sense of dramatic global events.  In either case, we hope to provide you with resources to further your understanding and ultimately point you to the source of all truth, the Word of God.

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Bill’s commentary:

The Great Taking

I have spent half of Labor Day reading this article. I found it to be very well researched and footnoted. I highly recommend you read this in its entirety as it discusses the “how” you will own nothing (but not how you will be happy). What hooked me on reading the entirety is the discussion of “securities” and that book entry securities will be confiscated LEGALLY in the great margin call to come. This harkens back to my JSMineset days where Jim urged everyone to get their certificates issued in paper form. The rest of the article is bone chilling, but I cannot disagree with the author’s how or where it all leads to. May God help us all! Please do not e-mail me with questions regarding certificate issuance. Please contact your individual companies and query who their transfer agent is and how to have your certificate issued. As for any questions on the overall article, please contact the author directly.

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Bill’s commentary:

“What if everyone stood tall like this?”

Bill’s commentary:

“So it wasn’t horse paste after all?”

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) likely overstepped its authority when it told Americans to “stop” using ivermectin against COVID-19, a federal court ruled on Sept. 1.

“FDA can inform, but it has identified no authority allowing it to recommend consumers ‘stop’ taking medicine,”  U.S. Circuit Judge Don Willett wrote in the ruling.

The FDA has authority under the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act to convey information to consumers.

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Bill’s commentary:

“Erik telling us how he really sees it!”

Bill’s commentary:

“Of particular interest here is the amount of US Treasury debt service exploding while M2 implodes. A VERY deadly combination!”

‘Whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolute master of all industry and commerce’. – President James A. Garfield

4 thoughts on “

  1. That drawing should be given to all of us who refused to wear a mask and get vaccinated and I am 84 years old so in theory in the high risk age bracket. All you need is to due is keep your immune system strong. 


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